Thursday, September 24, 2009

Random Thoughts

written a long time ago on 7/6/09... i decided to use this post as my next update for this blog...

*random thoughts* ... in real life, i'm not that "deep" and "reflective" and serious.... but I can be who I want to be online. haha. so well, here goes... a long deep, reflective and serious post...

one thing, I may not be right though in the things I say, so i'll just call it *random thoughts*...

a few thoughts... ... if you really want to find out about God, and who God is...

because there's nothing really perfect about Christians. really... nothing really perfect about christians, and nothing perfect about non-christians alike. but there's something perfect about God... and something about God that calls sinners to Himself. You know, the church is not really supposed to be a "perfect" place, but ironically, a place for "sinners"...

Christians fall away too often because of other christians... hence, a very important learning point:
Every time a christian leaves/falls away, we must always check-back and reflect on ourselves. The problem may not only lie with the 'leaver' but with the people who want so much to prevent others from 'leaving'- christians. It's a double responsibility on the leaders.

and for non-christians, don't place your ideas of christianity on christians. Don't hold too high expectations of them, cos you can be disappointed. christians are not any much better than anyone else... Ghandi said, "i like the Christian God, but I don't like the Christians..."

Read the bible not just to understand in your head (head-knowledge), and not to argue against or critique it, and neither to go into pointless debates, nor just to become a better person... ... But Read the bible to seek God. *ps: be you a christian or a non-christian... if you believe in a God, find Him.

people argue over whether the bible's real, people argue about what in the bible is real, people argue about which interpretation in the bible is real or more accurate... but sometimes, too much of these, and the real point of reading the bible is missed, overlooked, undermined... read the bible to seek God...

the point of the bible really is to show its reader who God is... the point of the bible is really to help its reader seek and find out who God is.

food for thought - about the Bible:

Trace the bible through 6000 years.... 6000 years of history. 40 Authors. 66 books. ONE story. ONE GOD.

think about it. even if you think that the bible is just a History Book, or some Collection of Wise Sayings, a Religous Book or even as what christians say, a Living Word... doesn't matter what you think. that's probably your closest (or one of your closest) bet to knowing who God is...

just some thinking to do.... the same God described by people as far back as 6000 years ago...

I'd be impressed if you could come up with a story and keep it the same for 1000 years.
and more impressed if you could keep your story going after 1000 years.
and even more impressed if you could predict where the story leads to in the next 1000 years. and even even more impressed if you could make sure all 40 authors were consistent throughout 6000 years.

Even if the bible's just a history book and all the miracles in it unbelievable... for one, I'd still believe in the God that all 40 authors wrote about... because they all wrote consistent accounts about the same God.

You know something?

I used to always ask the question about how God-inspired, perfect the bible can be.... did you know the bible was collated based on a church decision to collect different letters from different authors to be bound into a book. especially in the new testament, where there were letters that paul/peter/james/john wrote... and where some letters that these authors wrote were lost... was the bible incomplete? was it imperfect?

But that didn't matter at all, not at all. Because the bible wasn't about these authors... nor was it about the most detailed accuracy (still arguably, an extremely reliable source)... SO, all these letters and records were accounts of God... reading is about seeking God and it was about God... so why spend time arguing and debating over the bible... for one, I didn't myself have a better way of finding out about God. *do you..?

as a christian,
but one thing I find most difficult is seeking God. It's easy to know about God, and know that God loves, God cares, God's big, God's holy, God's everything Good and Perfect... but sometimes, I don't think i really know God... It's like knowing about Michael Jackson, but do you really know him?

a Christian 'Leader'


think about the word "SERVANT LEADERSHIP"... ... have you heard of this term before? There a a gazillion many christian "leadership" books on this...
so think you're a servant leader? think again... at least I thought I was.

A servant leader.... don't you think it is a paradox? which word "servant" or "leader" do we focus on? which word takes the limelight?

Maybe, what the bible really teaches us is Servanthood... and not so much Leadership. Leadership is a very secular word... a word that the bible never uses as often as Servanthood.

who, ever feels as good about being a servant as a leader? I would feel good about 'leadership'... maybe there are times I convinced myself I felt good about "serving" others in my leadership... but it's a subtle deception... like a mask... because if the "leadership" was taken away, and I'd been made a servant (lower than an ordinary member)... I'd find it hardER to serve... or grow as a christian. *at least for me it was harder in the shoes of a member than when you're in a position of "authority"!
in converse, "leaders" should always ask why is it so hard to get members to serve and grow? and how much easier is it for a leader to "serve" and "grow" himself? well, I found it so much easier to serve and grow as a 'leader'. so sometimes, it is good for leaders to to reduce your status to a servant or place yourselves in the shoes of your memebers.

what exactly is Servanthood? that's kinda opposite of what a Leader is.
again, "SERVANT" or "LEADER" paradox paradox

to SERVE actually means to give up your authority. In other words, to give up your status of 'leadership' or also, In other words - being a 'master over others'... to become a servant. it means to lay down your 'Authority' into the hands of others... to deny yourself... *think of a waiter... where would you ever find a waiter ordering a customer around?... think of a servant... where in the bible would a servant order his master around....
AND compare this to the secular idea of leadership... what kind of secular-world-like leadership dares to lay down their authority in the hands of those they serve? but didn't Jesus call us to SERVE one another? as a leader in the church, it may not be so much our responsibility to hold our authority over others as our responsibility to serve them.

so isn't servanthood quite the opposite of leadership? when leadership involves much of taking up of authority? to take the secular worldview of leadership and authority.... and call it "Servant Leadership"... but does that apply to church?

i find that in the church, its really about the giving up your Authority... not maintaining and ensuring that it holds strong. What really holds the church strong is the authority to 'serve' one another... what were all the gifts that were mentioned in Corinthians for? to serve one another...

The church doesn't really need leaders to "lead" as much as a leaders to "serve"... and to "serve" as an example to others.

you know? you don't need 100 cornerstones to build the church, you just need 1... but you need every brick to hold together, supporting each other and building each other up. if you place yourself in the position of a little 'cornerstone' or even if others see you as their little cornerstones'...? what happens when those little cornerstones crack? bricks do come crumbling down together with it.

for one, I'm inspired by people who 'serve' more than they 'lead'... and there's a stark difference between these 2 words... but made into a subtle difference in church. mixed, combined, and used as a single term "Servant Leadership", the stronger word "Leadership" seems to take the limelight... but i guess people can still tell the stark difference between a 'servant' and a 'master'.

sometimes, we think we are serving others, trying to play the good samaritan... sometimes, in our service, in spite of all good intentions, in actual fact we push people away, further away from God. you know, in church, leaders have a double responsibility. (1) to serve (2) to do it wisely.

as mentioned earlier, when a member decides to move on, to go elsewhere or even backslides... we've gotta ask ourselves...

*How many times is it because of what they found out in the Bible about Christianity? isn't it hard to have "tasted" what is good and throw it away?
*How many times is it because of some difficulty in their lives? isn't it easier to hold on to God in times of difficulty... who doesn't call to God for help esp in difficult times?
*and how many times is it because of Christians themselves? and the bible warns repeatedly and strongly against Christians stumbling others...

you know very often, christians that members look to, are often not their fellow cell group mates... the Christians that members are mostly influenced by are the church leaders... these include *the pastors, the cell group leaders, the church committee. when people stumble, many stumble because of the leadership*... its a heavy responsibility on leaders.

common traits across churches that may be unhealthy and not wise to do in some occasions:

1) Leaders "seeking advice" from many other leaders about their members... about things like "members who are not doing well" *the effect is almost similar to gossip in the crudest of terms* I don't deny there's a time to consult a some"one" for advice on how to help the person* but before seeking help from many other leaders... possibly... it's wise to always ask yourself, "what if my 'member' was present and heard what I had to say to other leaders... would that be okay? is it neccessary to let that many people know? can i keep the person's identity a secret *confidentiality?"

2) Leaders having pre-conceived ideas about their members. "XXXXXX hasn't come to chr today, maybe he hasn't set his priorities right. mmm possibly, isn't doing too well too..." (heard this before?) it's wise to find out more. don't think or assume. same cirumsatnces for different situations and different people mean different things.... e.g. inquistiveness and questioning can be mistaken for rebellion... passion/having initiative can be mistaken for pride...

3) Leaders knowing what is the wise thing to do. Sometimes leaders don't know. Sometimes, it's not exactly wise. Sometimes, all leaders have to do is to ask their members what they think they should do. Sometimes, when members don't do what leaders want them to, it's not necessarily NOT WISE, nor is it rebellion (unless it's sin according to the bible)... sometimes, leaders have to give this "responsibility" back to the members. *I mean members do learn from their mistakes if an action is foolish, and leaders are meant to serve by example (Not control)*
and some things are not about Wisdom... a lot of things are just neutral *to each his own*.... Sometimes, its wise to say "I don't Know.." and sometimes it is NOT wise to use the phrase, "I've prayed about it... and this should be the way..." because, members do pray too, and sometimes they feel it should be done another way... who's right then?


In the church, while there's an emphasis on submitting to authority (for members),
there an equal emphasis for those in authority to become 'servants' (for its leaders).
*while there are times where the use that authority is necessary, i'd say that as leaders in church , one should try using less of it, and more of service.

if you're a member and you thought your leader was bad... think again... if you thought that it's easy to be a "leader"... than what sort of "leader" would you be? on the other hand, members sometimes, themselves make the best examples for leaders in service. Didn't the bible say, the least will be the greatest? Then, why should even a member look upon a leader as even a 'bad' leader? don't you already hold the position of "leadership" as members in service of one another?

So in your service for one another, that's true leadership. It's not the position, and not about the people that the church puts over you... yes, there's an authority in church. but more than just political, real 'servant leadership' starts at the bottom. Where your church leader is lacking, serve in that area to fill up the gaps... be of service, and do it out of love.

Love your Neighbour as yourself...
and Love God with your all...

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

real pride. hi to my pride.

TRUTHFULLY, you know, real pride is such a subtle thing...
and prideful people are usually almost always blind to their pride. i'm no exception...
if only, somehow, we could all switch into a third person perspective, and look back at ourselves... and see how prideful we really are...
sometimes, its not even in the obvious things you do... (people who are obviously proud, are usually unlikeable... but in fact, these are just people with low EQ)
(and for people with a much Higher EQ....) sometimes, its just the feelings we harbour deep inside... PRIDE...

like the feeling of *"yes yes i'm super smart lah... i can answer those questions that my tutor asks..." or less obvious, or just a simple comparison with someone else... that makes you feel better... "*oh i know the answer to that question that he can't answer"... like just feeling comforted when you scored badly in an exam *"and so did someone else too...." or less obvious, just complaining inside about another person, and how he/she could have done better... "let me, just let me do it... i can..." or just "wanting to know how another person did in his/her paper... good results? bad results?... to gain a little reassurance"

so subtle. we get these feelings all the time, at least I do... and I don't realise it's pride...
and when you think about it, it's kinda digusting... i mean, if to feel like that against friends and the people I ought to love... you know. self-reflection is good. i reflect upon the times I was proud... you know, after looking at my past journal entries, and think of many things i've done and felt in the past... *ahhh. i cringe. haha. well, i admit, i'm was/am still a very proud person... i'm figuring out how to change.... its hard for prideful people to love others....
[really... prideful people, who are always comparing themselves with others, can't possibly really love their friends/neighbours] so anw, i hope to love the friends around me more...

***and today, a group of friends and I celebrated a friend's birthday during a supper gathering... the 'birthday boy' gave a very insightful sharing... that's really very cool... talked about how important really, is relationships with the people around you... and so much so that sometimes, always fighting for the truth you know, may not be always a wise thing to do... there's always an appropriate time, situation and context... and do it thoughtfully and out of love... and personally I find that, even if, despite everything you try (in gentleness and love), people don't listen/agree with you... continue to love them, and remember the way you were before too... and remember still, very importantly, your friendships/ties with them and so, a profound statement, that i agree with..."when you love someone, you'll tell him the truth... but when you know the truth, you'll love that person all the more".

and it's something very important that i'll learn from... :)

