Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Navy Open House

So it was 4.30 am... it came so quickly... ergh* that feeling... have to wake up...

have to wake up...
sleep a while more...
have to wake UP...
it was a battle inside...
guess what? I won.

sigh* 4.30a.m. and its amazing my dad's awake so early at THE unearthly Hour.

off I go to Changi Naval Base.
Everything's so dark, so quiet, so peaceful, such a nice time to sleep.

And then we reached. I was supposed to do a medical cover for the Navy Open House...

and its a SUNDAY!
So, the day started... 4hours passed...

and look at the time... what?! its only 8 a.m. in the morning...

what a long day ahead.

So in the day, there were like 40,000 over people who came to see the ships, and ride some military DUCK Boats, and motorboats around... and played fun fair games... and ate good food... watched a few performances... Fiona Xie was there... her makeup was thick, very thick... looked as though it could crack. haha.

well, where I was, there were mostly young patients. Mostly kids.

Most of them fell down and had cuts and abrasions... yup. and all of them were so cute. haha
there was this boy, who came in, crying and crying and crying...

Doctor asks, "what is your name? what happened? "
Boy, "wahhhhh...hhh.."

So we cleaned the wound with Centrimide(antiseptic).. it was an abrasion on the elbow.. and dressed it nicely. And when we put the final tape to paste the bandage in place... the boy stopped crying. haha.

well, it was fun helping people...

though it was a terribly terribly long long long long day.

End 10pm
and since ChangiNavalBase has no public transport within an area of 5km at least... we tried to hitch a ride out, looked around for lorries...haha

But one of the doctors drove past and gave us a ride to the MRT station...

and finally, we made it back home...

nothing's better than home sweet home...ahhHH feels so good to be back home.

I thank God for my cosy Bed.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

something interesting

a stroke of a genius.
i fixed my MSN Messenger Live!

finally.. oh well..

I thanks God for givings makings me successful in Category A Discretionary Entry for NUS Pharmacy Interview...

YOu know??!!

It is my first inTerview ever!!!! =) ... or at least i remembered...
The first!!!

i remembered that day... when I go there... my sis, my bro, my mum are there to supported me!!! they are with me till the carpark..

they drove me there, and they drove off.

so i go upstairs to find the pharmacy room.
and i found the PHARMACY office.

So i went in.

oh my goodness.
i see people in their Army Uniform, in casual T-shirt and pants...

and i...

I was in sleeves not to mentioned in my SAF polished black shoes.
*i didn't polish them btw, they came shiny*
So I was over-dressed!!! a bit out of place...

*but then again, if i wore a tie, it would have did a lot more injustice to the people around me* haha... soooo...

i sat down..... there were more than 3 seats beside me empty. I sat in the center.
3 Guys standing up. the many more girls sitting around the sofa area...
And a lady comes out, "Have a seat?" she asked the 3 guys.

being singaporean and sooo shy, they decided to remain standing....
so i remained the only guy sitting....

well at least I could sit down for the next 30 min wait...

one thing i noticed... pharmacy has a lot more girls than guys in it... its like overpopulation la. *imbalanced. where did all the guys go to?!?!*

For 30 min... la la la... sms... look at fingernail... pretend to read something... play BOUNCE.. la la la

Finally we were called up to take a written test...
you know? how it feels, all so courteous open door, let you go first, you let me go first... haha. so wierd... and we headed out of the office through the door towards the lift.

in the lift. silence hung in the air. cough cough... breathe breathe... look look... quiet quiet..
- rule number one. look in one direction at the closed lift door.
- rule number two. don't talk.
- rule number three. stand still... Ser diiii YA!* if you didn't catch that... =P

and we went up... and up... and up...

so the doors finally opened...
as if freedom for a little bird stuck in a cage...* hmm... ?? **

anyway. we took a test.

SO much like General Paper.

well, i picked option A.

choose fast fast fast mah. in kia su society, all other drug company want to eat you up.. and copy your drug... so fast fast better...
BUT! then cos it's like General Paper... must balance mah...
so need strategy and planning... and responsiblity... if not like slim 10 like that... kill people..

so that was the end... 15 min flew by sooooooooooooooooo fast man.
and we went back down... you let me go first, i let you go first, go back to the lift... and go downstairs... back to the waiting place in the office.

and AGAIN, I was the only guy sitting down.
so i played Bounce on my handphone... *with God mode..

the interview came. I felt like a sheep being sent for a slaughter at first.

but, go in talk talk...
talk... talk.. about school, about CCA, about being navy medic...

den ask a few questions. and VIOLA... it was done.
FIniShed!!..finished... finished...

i CHOING down to BRAS plaza to meet my MUm, and my Sis, and my bro who were already shopping in TECman Christian Bookstore... and we spent good time together...

Went to buy clothes for my Sister who would be going to go for attachment in a law firm.
Went to buy Joshua's GEOX shoes... if you didn't know... GEOX shoes is supposed to be super comfortable and Air-ry.

ok. that was all.
and i went to meet my ex-JC classmates and ate dinner with them. quite fun la. to see everyone from everywhere come back together...aha.. and catch up... some in Malaysia, some in NUS, some in ARmy... some overseas liao... like an international class gather like that.

ok. that's all folks...

NOW IS 2.01 AM. I gotta wake up at 4.30 AM and rush down to CHANGI NAVAL BASE...on a SUNDAY!!! can you believe it?!


anyway. i still thank God for making my very first interview successful... its a great feeling... Yup.

He did answer my prayer... always does!
