Wednesday, November 18, 2009

"He is no fool to lose what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot lose"
Jim Elliot. Shadow of the Almighty

i'm gonna start reading this awesome book. tho' i tried on the aeroplane back...
i'm not an avid reader, and i have short concentration span...
and "I can't read" is always my excuse but a genuine one...
so it takes more patience, determination, concentration, motivation to go through a single book...

***if i were to count the number of storybooks containing more than a 100 pages that i've completed reading in my entire life, i think i could use 10 fingers... in fact, 10 fingers may be more than enough... i'd probably use one hand.

things i need to do...

I need to prepare for my cambodia mission trip.
I need to prepare for my my exams next year.
I need to prepare for an application for some exemption thingy i'm trying for.
I need to prepare for ....

i'll seriously learn Bahasa Indonesia this time round. maybe I should enrol for lessons... ... maybe then I can help out my mum in her indonesian fellowship. that'd be something interesting to do in Singapore :)

i'll pick up jazz piano from someone willing to teach me... i hope. i always tried to learn from YouTube... mannn its hard.

so i can't waste away my time... i shouldn't bum around like i did last year.

To God.
be the wake of my sleep. be the first thought i think. be the air I breathe. be the life in me. be the words in my speech. be my hope of salvation. be my strength and song. be the God of me.


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