Friday, February 22, 2008

you know what?

i searched the internet for mobile phone plans, and guess what? this is what I goggled, UNSW, Mobile phone plans, blogspot... I was hoping some students at UNSW blogged about their phone plans, so I know what to get... cos I need to get a mobile number and phone sooonnn.

I found somebody's blog... that topped the search list... it was the first in the search list! so i found the segment that talked about how this person chose from a list of phone plans... blah blah.. goes on...

Normally, I wouldn't read on... but a few posts down, I saw pictures of Medical text books and pictures of the University... at first, I was thinking that this person probably studied medical science, or pharmacology, or some healthcare course in UNSW, but then, the last picture, a picture of a stethoscope... and yup, reading on further, i found out more.. that its was his first year medicine in UNSW too! He came from Singapore too (but I think He's indonesian chinese), just moved into a campus hostel nearby, probably 10 minutes walk away from where I live and Christian too, and now just waiting for school to start... He's a first year sutdent too, totally NEW to the place... Arrived on the 19th Feb too, after touring Sydney with his family...

I managed to tag him and yup, he replied... and now, trying to contact him now and maybe we can meet up before school starts... Just like me, he's got nothing much to do till school term starts... and from what I read, he has found a church to go to also.

how amazing is that? =D can you see?

this is one super duper God-planned opportunity to get to know your friends, even before school starts, yuppp.. another God-answered prayer and yet another amazing testimony I wanna give thanks to God for...

I prayed for friends that I'll be going to meet, prayed for Christians friends too, prayed for God to prepare the place there for me... my cell group people prayed for me too... and ya, God answered so fast, and so unexpectedly... I thought that I'd only get to meet friends like only when school starts. I told one of my fairfield friends before that during the first 2 weeks, I won't be doing much... and would only get to know friends when school term starts 1.5 weeks later.

ButtT, God plans are perfect... amazing... and full of pleasant surprises... and timely... how can so many things fall into place so nicely, something that's so impossible to think about, but to actually know how super super duper faithful God is... really so amazing... Never fails to amaze me up till now...

i mean, how can random googling of mobile phone plans actually lead me to somebody's blog, who's gonna study medicine at UNSW too, and first year student, and came slightly earlier before school term starts, studied in Singapore before this... and open such an opportunity like this for me... isn't it amazing? God-orchestrated, God-planned, God-lead...

I also wanna thank God for yesterday, where I met up with my Father's Friend's Cousin... Mr Doan. He's got a nice family, and took me out for dinner. Somewhere walking distance from my house, and so that now I know how to get around to find food. Yup. After the first night, I figured I needed to find out where to get food, and yup, this is another God answered prayer. Now i know there are so many eating places, that's just 5 minutes walk away, and there's a petrol station with a minimart, and a McDonalds that operates 24 Hours, and a McCafe too! And yea, dinner with them was great. He gave me a map of sydney too, which is super useful.. =D

After dinner, he brough me to drive through the City area... well, it's big, but not like orchard... there are way less people walking around at night... but yea, it was an eye opener... Buildings looked different, architecture and everything... Mostly shorter buildings, unlike Singapore. Now I know a rough idea of how to get around the place, and what to expect if I go visit the city.

Thank God for so many things that happened yesterday... and it was yet another amazing day. =D

oh yea, one more thing i missed out from the prev prev post, is that... The landlady rents the place out to a few students and I was the last person she accepted, just because she couldn't recieve any other offers on that day, and just because God planned it that way.

the landlady's really nice =D


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