today's saturday!
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every saturday was a Great day that I really looked forward too... where I'd play soccer with my friends in the morning, and go to church in the afternoon... oh i miss those times, I will miss it very very much... Saturday is something like a meet-with-friends day, and a spend-time-with-God day... its like a two-in-one package... And yesh, all my friends were very dear to me. I remember how I used to wake up by 9.30, spend time with my fairfield friends, playing soccer at a nearby soccer court, until 12pm-12.30pm. It was really fun! running around the court, scoring GoAls... and laughing off each other's miStakes, from holding the ball, to losing the ball, to falling down, to scoring own goals, and stuff... it has been since, yearS... let's say... mmm since secondary 1 that these friends have been around with me. that's 8 yEARs! we formed a grop that we called, LPU... don't ask me how it came about... can't remember, but it's a funny name... and since then, up to now, about 11 of us met up frequently. Saturdays mornings were usually like that for me for the last few years, but saturdays now will be very very different, from what I used to have... the times were great. then would rush down to church after that... and looking forward to a great day ahead. Well, today's slightly different... I wake up, prepare a cereal, turn on the computer and here I am, blogging online at about 5a.m. Singapore time, which is actually 8a.m. here. How at 1.30pm, we'd start ice-breakers! and laugh so much sometimes... and then head up for service... and every time a newcomer comes, we'd try to make them feel welcomed :) And then there was praise and worship, yes! jumping during service, praising God freely... it's great that people jump, cos makes praise and worship more free! imagine a service where people stood stuck in front of their seats... and worse with glued hands by their sides... and maybe tight sealed lips... ahHh, i so wanna praise God like i do on saturdays. But you kow? praising God in Australia, in the comforts of my little room will do too, for the time being... well, being alone, it's different... but i've come to know God more, just in a few days... come to see God work in my life... that's all worth praising God for, really! and there was sermon, weeks and weeks of learning... I really thank God for Pastor Daniel and Sis Wp. If not for them, I don't really know how'd my walk with God be in another place, or whether I'd be where I am today. really. aNother specially crafted plan by God. how i joined the church so long ago, was random droPping into one of the cAmps called - Dare2Run! haha. it was the first camp for many people too... :) And then after service, there's small group last time, and there's cell group recently... and it was fun! cell group's a time where I hear how God works in each of our lives, and yea, it's so cool man. you know, every single testimony, is a sprititual marker that God places in our lives to direct us to Him, serves as a reminder etched in stone that remains forever as a testimony of God's faithfulness. Every testimony, means your friends are knowing a bit more of God, depending a bit more on God, appreciating a bit more of what God has done, and thanking God for what He has done, giving glory to God for what He has done, acknowledging God for what He has done... and I remember how i'd always like to go last, when sharing about what God has done for me, just amazing things. Now, saturdays just feels so different. i'm not used to it yet. Of course! I mean, it's only my first saturday... it'll get better soon. And yea, I pray for great lifelong friends ahead, and christian friends to spur me on in my walk with God. And there was discipleship, with Cheng Yu! with Eugene, always telling him 18 occasionally.. and with Timothy! with Ken a long time ago..haha. yea! you know? I pray for you guys... A great bunch of friends. And there was Rosaline, Rachel, Stacy! well, the guys outnumbered the girls in ex-small group, until Siew Jia and Qi Ying came... Then Chapmen came... and the guys still outnumbered the girls...haha.* yea, yea, I miss those phone conferences with Rosaline and Eugene, every one of them! sometimes it was with much laughter! sometimes it was sharing difficult times! sometimes it was quiet-time! haha. and yea, every one of the phone conference, i really looked forward to... and also last time phone conferences with Rachel, and with Stacy.. yea, helped me to know them so much better when I didn't really know them at first... and when I came to know them better... haha. Rachel can be quite fierce sometimes... hAHa. only to Eugene! and stAcy's become more cheerful! haha. and then after multiplication, there was KarYn! haha. i thank God for her... you know when I was preparing a lot for Australia, when there are times I slackened a bit... no... not a bit... a lot... you know what Karyn does? On phone conference, "Have you done your Quiet time? Did you write your spiritual Journal today?..." so scary... hahaha. kidding! but that put me back on the right track... on God's track. and then there was grace! the super drama person... wahHH. always funny and so cheerful. thanks for the calendar.. you know it's so funny! haha. during Chinese New year, in popular bookstore, when I appeared at one corner behind Eugene, you quickly mumbled, "Jordan's here...psst" haha something like that. I pretended not to hear...hahha! just like how Rosaline too, whispered to Ken when buying the sweater for me. but really, I appreciate all the surprises! it's really touching! and there's zeeJay, who saluted me (like how they salute an important person like, a president on National Day!!!) on Steamboat day, from far across the dinner-carpark! hahaha... and suddenly came all the way across to apologise to take back the salutation... HAhaha. i'll miss you. knowing him goes a long history... but since history lessons are always boring, you'd be bored if I told you the long history... haha. and there's gabriel... no make that 2 gabriels! one always jumping around, with bubble tea... ... haha that's the smaller one. And bigger one, always sing the second floor song, and Army songs... like's dragon ball... and blushes easily, when he laughes *waves hand in front of mouth and giggles. haha. and there's noel! who got into mechantronics. study hard! =D and do very well, because God opened up this door for ya. and there's kai siang... seems quiet, but actually he talks a lot. haha. and has a hidden humour that, sometimes, he shows, and haha, really funny! and there's JOhN! hmm i call him St John... he's super lame... really! haha. and when I got to know him, we cliqued quite well. I always come up with my lame joke and share it with him! haha. he's really a nice guy, and lame, but very humourous... appreciates my Lame JoKEs..hahaha! yea, and there was SufAn too! a.k.a dee-Niece or The-niece... haha. i don't know how to pronounce the english name, so I just call her SufAn. hahah.. you see her always cheery! and very funny... =D very fun to talk to and be with. and there was dreY. Jus like zeeJay, a long history! but yea, when I saw that she went to Australia and was fine, that gave me some assurance that God will be with me too, jus like how God's with her. and there's mEL... you hear her from across the place because she laughs so loud. hahah. and screams too! and there's siew Jia, she gave me a floWer and a cupcake... and a note. hahah sort of like her farewell present, but it's the first flower i got from someone, if I can remember. haha. and there's s club 7's fan, annabel! and jaclyn, she can speak JAPANESE you know?! i only knew that during ignite conference... and also, there's aLEx, another drama person who waves her hands when telling a story... haha. and there's cheng Yu... you know what happened during YI camp at night, when cheng yu's beside me?... My little finger somehow touched his eyes, and suddenly heared a pop sound... and I felt a snap at my little finger... and the next thing I knew, his hand flew across from his sleeping bag and hit my face. hahaha. it was so funny... "static" if could be used as a verb...then i "static"ed his eye. hahhaha. i don't know how it ever happened, but yea, it did. anyway, Chengyu's a super funny guy, and you should see how he tells jokes when he's eating...haha food can fly out of his mouth. and eugene! airport! haha... I remember where during a conference, he shared with me from Eugene chapter 1 verse 1... and verse 2... and verse 3. haha. it was so funny... ... then he would say,I had many things to write to you, but I am not willing to write them to you with pen and ink; but I hope to see you shortly, and we will speak face to face. . . haha* that came from a letter in the New testament. and yea, all the times he shared with me problems, and thank-God testimonies, and homework too! ahhhH... things will be different now. and there's botak TimO in army, and there was kEn! you know what Ken did that I'll always remember? always doing cheeky things... like taking his shirt and wrapping around my face from behind, ahhhhHH SO disgusting! it was sweat-filled... ahHHH.
much ramblings about Saturdays-used-to-be's... and days-used-to-be's...
if you read between the lines... it just... I MISS everyone so much... and I am EmO'ing in a small room in Australia on a saturday morning. Just because it is a saturday...
Thank God for all the wonderful Saturdays i've had for the past... errrr... many years in Y.I. and with Fairfield friends.
everyday's an amazement. :)
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every saturday was a Great day that I really looked forward too... where I'd play soccer with my friends in the morning, and go to church in the afternoon... oh i miss those times, I will miss it very very much... Saturday is something like a meet-with-friends day, and a spend-time-with-God day... its like a two-in-one package... And yesh, all my friends were very dear to me. I remember how I used to wake up by 9.30, spend time with my fairfield friends, playing soccer at a nearby soccer court, until 12pm-12.30pm. It was really fun! running around the court, scoring GoAls... and laughing off each other's miStakes, from holding the ball, to losing the ball, to falling down, to scoring own goals, and stuff... it has been since, yearS... let's say... mmm since secondary 1 that these friends have been around with me. that's 8 yEARs! we formed a grop that we called, LPU... don't ask me how it came about... can't remember, but it's a funny name... and since then, up to now, about 11 of us met up frequently. Saturdays mornings were usually like that for me for the last few years, but saturdays now will be very very different, from what I used to have... the times were great. then would rush down to church after that... and looking forward to a great day ahead. Well, today's slightly different... I wake up, prepare a cereal, turn on the computer and here I am, blogging online at about 5a.m. Singapore time, which is actually 8a.m. here. How at 1.30pm, we'd start ice-breakers! and laugh so much sometimes... and then head up for service... and every time a newcomer comes, we'd try to make them feel welcomed :) And then there was praise and worship, yes! jumping during service, praising God freely... it's great that people jump, cos makes praise and worship more free! imagine a service where people stood stuck in front of their seats... and worse with glued hands by their sides... and maybe tight sealed lips... ahHh, i so wanna praise God like i do on saturdays. But you kow? praising God in Australia, in the comforts of my little room will do too, for the time being... well, being alone, it's different... but i've come to know God more, just in a few days... come to see God work in my life... that's all worth praising God for, really! and there was sermon, weeks and weeks of learning... I really thank God for Pastor Daniel and Sis Wp. If not for them, I don't really know how'd my walk with God be in another place, or whether I'd be where I am today. really. aNother specially crafted plan by God. how i joined the church so long ago, was random droPping into one of the cAmps called - Dare2Run! haha. it was the first camp for many people too... :) And then after service, there's small group last time, and there's cell group recently... and it was fun! cell group's a time where I hear how God works in each of our lives, and yea, it's so cool man. you know, every single testimony, is a sprititual marker that God places in our lives to direct us to Him, serves as a reminder etched in stone that remains forever as a testimony of God's faithfulness. Every testimony, means your friends are knowing a bit more of God, depending a bit more on God, appreciating a bit more of what God has done, and thanking God for what He has done, giving glory to God for what He has done, acknowledging God for what He has done... and I remember how i'd always like to go last, when sharing about what God has done for me, just amazing things. Now, saturdays just feels so different. i'm not used to it yet. Of course! I mean, it's only my first saturday... it'll get better soon. And yea, I pray for great lifelong friends ahead, and christian friends to spur me on in my walk with God. And there was discipleship, with Cheng Yu! with Eugene, always telling him 18 occasionally.. and with Timothy! with Ken a long time ago..haha. yea! you know? I pray for you guys... A great bunch of friends. And there was Rosaline, Rachel, Stacy! well, the guys outnumbered the girls in ex-small group, until Siew Jia and Qi Ying came... Then Chapmen came... and the guys still outnumbered the girls...haha.* yea, yea, I miss those phone conferences with Rosaline and Eugene, every one of them! sometimes it was with much laughter! sometimes it was sharing difficult times! sometimes it was quiet-time! haha. and yea, every one of the phone conference, i really looked forward to... and also last time phone conferences with Rachel, and with Stacy.. yea, helped me to know them so much better when I didn't really know them at first... and when I came to know them better... haha. Rachel can be quite fierce sometimes... hAHa. only to Eugene! and stAcy's become more cheerful! haha. and then after multiplication, there was KarYn! haha. i thank God for her... you know when I was preparing a lot for Australia, when there are times I slackened a bit... no... not a bit... a lot... you know what Karyn does? On phone conference, "Have you done your Quiet time? Did you write your spiritual Journal today?..." so scary... hahaha. kidding! but that put me back on the right track... on God's track. and then there was grace! the super drama person... wahHH. always funny and so cheerful. thanks for the calendar.. you know it's so funny! haha. during Chinese New year, in popular bookstore, when I appeared at one corner behind Eugene, you quickly mumbled, "Jordan's here...psst" haha something like that. I pretended not to hear...hahha! just like how Rosaline too, whispered to Ken when buying the sweater for me. but really, I appreciate all the surprises! it's really touching! and there's zeeJay, who saluted me (like how they salute an important person like, a president on National Day!!!) on Steamboat day, from far across the dinner-carpark! hahaha... and suddenly came all the way across to apologise to take back the salutation... HAhaha. i'll miss you. knowing him goes a long history... but since history lessons are always boring, you'd be bored if I told you the long history... haha. and there's gabriel... no make that 2 gabriels! one always jumping around, with bubble tea... ... haha that's the smaller one. And bigger one, always sing the second floor song, and Army songs... like's dragon ball... and blushes easily, when he laughes *waves hand in front of mouth and giggles. haha. and there's noel! who got into mechantronics. study hard! =D and do very well, because God opened up this door for ya. and there's kai siang... seems quiet, but actually he talks a lot. haha. and has a hidden humour that, sometimes, he shows, and haha, really funny! and there's JOhN! hmm i call him St John... he's super lame... really! haha. and when I got to know him, we cliqued quite well. I always come up with my lame joke and share it with him! haha. he's really a nice guy, and lame, but very humourous... appreciates my Lame JoKEs..hahaha! yea, and there was SufAn too! a.k.a dee-Niece or The-niece... haha. i don't know how to pronounce the english name, so I just call her SufAn. hahah.. you see her always cheery! and very funny... =D very fun to talk to and be with. and there was dreY. Jus like zeeJay, a long history! but yea, when I saw that she went to Australia and was fine, that gave me some assurance that God will be with me too, jus like how God's with her. and there's mEL... you hear her from across the place because she laughs so loud. hahah. and screams too! and there's siew Jia, she gave me a floWer and a cupcake... and a note. hahah sort of like her farewell present, but it's the first flower i got from someone, if I can remember. haha. and there's s club 7's fan, annabel! and jaclyn, she can speak JAPANESE you know?! i only knew that during ignite conference... and also, there's aLEx, another drama person who waves her hands when telling a story... haha. and there's cheng Yu... you know what happened during YI camp at night, when cheng yu's beside me?... My little finger somehow touched his eyes, and suddenly heared a pop sound... and I felt a snap at my little finger... and the next thing I knew, his hand flew across from his sleeping bag and hit my face. hahaha. it was so funny... "static" if could be used as a verb...then i "static"ed his eye. hahhaha. i don't know how it ever happened, but yea, it did. anyway, Chengyu's a super funny guy, and you should see how he tells jokes when he's eating...haha food can fly out of his mouth. and eugene! airport! haha... I remember where during a conference, he shared with me from Eugene chapter 1 verse 1... and verse 2... and verse 3. haha. it was so funny... ... then he would say,I had many things to write to you, but I am not willing to write them to you with pen and ink; but I hope to see you shortly, and we will speak face to face. . . haha* that came from a letter in the New testament. and yea, all the times he shared with me problems, and thank-God testimonies, and homework too! ahhhH... things will be different now. and there's botak TimO in army, and there was kEn! you know what Ken did that I'll always remember? always doing cheeky things... like taking his shirt and wrapping around my face from behind, ahhhhHH SO disgusting! it was sweat-filled... ahHHH.
much ramblings about Saturdays-used-to-be's... and days-used-to-be's...
if you read between the lines... it just... I MISS everyone so much... and I am EmO'ing in a small room in Australia on a saturday morning. Just because it is a saturday...
Thank God for all the wonderful Saturdays i've had for the past... errrr... many years in Y.I. and with Fairfield friends.
and yea, God tells me I'm in His promises and plans...
you know? I'd never give anything in the world than to start walking in His promises... really.
Everyday, God speaks to me through quiet time... You know, when I asked for Christian friends to spur me on with my walk with God, you know what God told me, Jeremiah 3v15, "And I will give you shepherds after my own heart, who will guid you with knowledge and understanding..." How cool is that?
you know? I'd never give anything in the world than to start walking in His promises... really.
Everyday, God speaks to me through quiet time... You know, when I asked for Christian friends to spur me on with my walk with God, you know what God told me, Jeremiah 3v15, "And I will give you shepherds after my own heart, who will guid you with knowledge and understanding..." How cool is that?
everyday's an amazement. :)
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