Sunday, February 10, 2008

the longest post ever

i can't thank God enough for his provisions - Jehovah Jireh.

now with accomodations settled, I found a perfect home to live in Sydney.

Well, at most, it seems to be perfect =D everything seems to be perfect about it...

It's just across the road to the University Library,
nearer to the Medical Faculty than most hostels, or maybe its the nearest,
it's a room in a big, big bungalow,
the toilet looks beYOOotiful (i saw a photo of it),
the son of the owner's gonna study Post-grad medicine also on his first year of it,
so we'll have a little in common...
and its house number 7, a perfect number, just like home... my house is 7 too. 7 is one of the numbers God likes a lot in the bible, like how 7 days describes creation... the 7th day is the Sabbath day... dId you knOw? (I didn't until I saw it on the internet.) SEVEN is used over 700 times in the Bible. 7 representws a number of perfection...

so it seems,

A PERFECT HOME in sydney.... =D

and you know?

This is a God answered prayer.

Well, the thing about going overseas is that Accomodation's the biggest hassle. And, its just got confirmed last week. Next next week, I'll already be flying off the Sydney. Just imagine what I'd supposed to be doing, with about 30Kg of luggage and no idea of a place to go to... figuring my way around Sydney to a maybe a hotel, lugging around my baggage, being totally lost and confused... going to a VERY VERY new place and all alone is a scary thing. Yes, and I've been praying for accomodations for a long long long long time.

There seemed to be totally no progress on finding an accomodation.

But God answered my prayer, first it was Eugene's friend, Ian... He introduced me to Sydney, UNSW and everything that I needed to know! He was a great help, seriously... gave me an idea of what to expect, what to look out for, and now I know that the first thing I need to do is to head for the UNSW student services counter to the right when I come out of the Sydney arrival hall...

Thereafter, I still couldn't find a way to settle my accomodations...

Then, I remember there was a day, I told God, "Can you help me with by accomodations by the next day?"... AND, You know the very next day, Gary, an education counsellor called me up and said that he'd be checking with the university on the progress of my hostel applications. That phone call was was important, because it was a God answered prayer, and that phone call was really really comforting... You know how God can speak through people to give you moments of peace/comfort? God did that just for me. At least I knew that something was being done for my accomodations... if not, I'd be still so worried then. The phone call made it a whole lot better... so all I had to do was to wait.

So I waited... ...

And then, a few days later, Gary called back to say that all the hostels very full and my offer did not make it through. At that time, I was worried, really really worried...

AND however, one thing did really comfort me, and that was that God couldn't have opened so many doors, and provided so much for my education, and made it all possible when at times it couldn't have been, to show me that it was really really 100 percent without a doubt that going overseas was His plan, and YET not be faithful to follow through till the end...
How can God not provide for my accomodations, after all that He already provided me with already...?

AND so, God was silent for a while... maybe He wasn't really silent. It's just that He didn't answer my requests immediately, like how they do it in a Fast Food restarurant. BUT, He did give me peace. You know, a Serene Chaos? and an Peaceful Anxiety? just like that movie on Saturday...

And so, through my Dad's very very good friend's cousin's friend, Alice, came the answer to my prayer, and God slowly revealed what he had in store for me.

I remember that day, just before calling Alice, I whispered a prayer to God... you know like a "passing" prayer just before you start an exam... that kind... ... I asked God to be in that conversation, to be with me when I speak to her about my accomodations... and that was about 2-3 sentences, and then I picked up my phone to call...

when I called a few times, trying all sorts of combination of numbers, country codes, area codes with an International Call Card, I just couldn't get through... *sigh* I wanted to give up... and just tell my Dad that it was the wrong number. But, just before I was about to, I finally managed to get through, and when I asked for Alice, she immediately responded as though as she was already expecting my call. Well, she actually did, cos apparently my father's friend's cousin told his friend about me...

Ok. So I told her about what I needed for accomodation, like Internet, a furnished room... the price range... ... the location... And the conversation went so smoothly, and she said that she'll find a place for me, and it'll take about a week.

So in Just a few days, she emailed me back to say that she found one that was 15 minutes walk away from the university... Mmm that's about 3/4 the distance from my house to church. Well, I was delighted! At least it was near the school... I quickly said that I was okay with that, and would accept it. To be honest, I thanked God so much for it... I thought it was a great place, and what God had in plan for me...

But, no... it wasn't.

Then came the bad news about 2 days later, that the student living in the house did not was to move out until the end of the month, so I couldn't get it by the time I fly over to Sydney.

So then, she began to describe how if I looked for house outside Kensington, that was about 15-20min bus ride from the university, it'd be a lot easier and there'll be a lot more choices, and how in Kensington, it was a peak period where so many students are finding accomodations, and how rental jumped by 10-20 percent in cost...

and then she finally got to this house, saying that there was one available that was 1 minute from the University, and that the landlord's son was a medical science student intending to do medicine in UNSW also. And so, I told her I had to discuss with my mum first and get back to her as soon as possible. But she kept urging me to be quick about it. And actually, I had wanted to wait for my parents to reach home before consulting them at night, but I didn't. God urged me to call my parents and tell them at that very moment. So I called my Dad first, then my Mum. And told them about this place. Then my mum decided to call her to confirm this place...

And so, she told my mum that she was not sure if it was still available because they currently have many offers for it... you know what my Mum said? "Jordan, he's a very good boy lah. He don't drink, don't smoke, and go to church every saturday..." hAhaha. ok.

10 minutes later, Alice called back to said that it was settled.

And my Accomodations were finally settled... at first it seemed just okay. But the more I thought about it, the more I realised how it's not just an Okay thing that happens... It's a miracle.

When I thought of alternative options to this, I realised that every other option for Accomodation like living in a hostel, or renting an apartment, or looking up for temporary accomodation for the time being, every other option was way more costly and wasn't as good as this. The price difference in this and other alternatives could go as high as 500-600 dollars a month or maybe even more.

And there was not a single accomodation option that's as suitable as this one...

So it seems perfect.

Everything seems to fall in nicely.

Everything about how God provides for me to go australia seems, sOOo God-planned.

From the time, I re-activated my e-mail just the day before the e-mail for the University Medicine interview came in, when I absolutely would not have done so because I totally don't use that e-mail and had no idea it was de-activated because of that...

From the time that God provided finances for my parents to support me overseas in the very most miraculous way, that absolutely would not have happened with such timely'ness... and now that I go with a peace knowing that it's not as much a financial strain on them as it would have been... which maybe would add a lot more stress and burden on them. You know, this was my biggest concern when my parents persuaded me to try out for an overseas university... and day after day I prayed for God to provide for it somehow... I was actually sOOo reluctant to go because of this, and only about 3 months back, wHAM... God appeared and provided miraculously...

From the time, in Secondary school when I told God I wanted to be a doctor, and that God says, that He gives us the desires of our hearts... and of how, I had wanted to go NJC just because I wanted to do well enough so that I could qualify for medicine... that was in Sec 4 and and but I thought it was simply impossible...

From the time that I almost decided to give up my pursuit of medicine, a dream that I held for years until my Dad pushed me to apply for Australia...

From the time that God used my Sis to introduce me a book, The Gift of Pain, by Dr Paul Brand, a person who really inspired me to really want to pursue a dream when I did plan of the possibilty of giving up...

From the time when I told God I didn't want to waste my time in NS... God made a way for me to become a MEDIC in the SAF. NOT a job in the SAF that couldn't be more appropriate than this... Allowing me to learn so much, and see so much in Hospitals (like the A & E ward), and do so much like being an Attendant in treatment dives for DCI cases, like learning how to sustain a person's life... provide 1st Aid, use an AED... injections, setting up Intravenous Fluids... protocols for many many health emergencies.... what could be more appropriate than this?

God was in IT ALL...and finally,
When zi Bing shared the verse about crossing the Jordan on one saturday, and the next day, on my IPOD, I heard a "random" (random because my IpoD was on shuffle, 1 in 1000 chance of being played for every song inside) sermon by Ps Jurgen, which was... ... yesH... ... it was on Crossing the Jordan and what Crossing that river really meant,

and just 1 week ago, my mum gave me a bible, with a verse attached to it that she wrote just for me in the front page, Joshua chapter 1v1-9, on Crossing the Jordan...

Now, God does speak through bible. Not many coincidences happen everyday like that.

Crossing the jordan means, entering into the promises of God. That's why they called it the promise land...

This is God's promise and plan for me. I take it...
I thank God so much for it...
And I couldn't thank Him more...
He's faithful throughout... God's name really is Jehovah Jireh a.k.a My Provider...

Now, I just pray I don't ever forget about what God did for me in the midst of studying there... That I will always remember God and what He has done for me...

That's why it's on this blog...
I want it to be a testimony worth telling many people about what God did for me! =D


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