Saturday, February 23, 2008

have you ever cut mangoes before in your life?

well today was my first...

today i paid a visit to a nearby shopping mall i found on the map... on the street directory. It's call Royal Randwick Shopping Mall. I must say, it was a fine discovery. There's everything there to sustain a normal human... From fruits/vegetables to meat and food and clothes, and yea, basically there's a Save $$ supermarket there... and there's mobile phone shops all around. You know what they call opening hours here? They call it trading hours...

Actually I was all ready to get an Australian mobile line, when the person said I had to get a statement from the bank indicating my billing address. But the banks don't open on weekends... at least the commonwealth bank doesn't. So i gave it a pass, and headed straight to the Supermarket... Things there are not that expensive... I bought 15pack Value for Dollar Potato Chips for 3.75, and 4 forks for 4.65AUD, the forks weren't cheap though... but i needed something to use to eat my instant lunch.

For lunch, I had one mango, one apple, 2 packets of chips (small packs), and one Sphegetti Bolognese (costs 3+AuD dollars). That's gonna keep me full till about dinner... then I'll think of what to eat again, if i'm still hungry.

vhad can i do besides blogging?

I study sometimes, blog even more sometimes, and nothing much left to do... play with the dogs sometimes... and wander around the place sometimes... play the guitar too... praise and worship in a small little room sometimes... sleep most of the time... haha :D it's a different experience.


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