Day 4 Quiet Time a.k.a Mini Sermon:
I read Jeremiah chapter 4, "Plough up the hard ground of your hearts! Do not waste your good seed among thorns."
I asked God what this verse meant? You know what it meant?
Remember the parable that Jesus preached, the seeds that fell among thorns? that's what it meant. The when God's words are planted, those are Good seeds... and Good seeds spring up from the ground giving rise to plenty of fruit. So Fruits, yea, Fruits of the Spirit - Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Gentleness, Faithful, Self-Control. And you know from sermon on Sunday, I learnt that these fruits, they come out of you and guard your heart. Prevents you from getting a heart attack.
But what does the thorns represent... those are the cares/pleasures/riches of life that distract you, stunts your growth and pulls your focus away from God. You know? This can also happen or maybe happens most often in quiet time... when you read the word, plant it, but get distracted by other cares and thoughts* very applicable. It's not just a salvation message that's good seed that gives life! There's so much more of God's word's that are good seed too!
So the verse says also, plough the hard ground of your hearts!
What does that mean?
A hard ground could represent a hardened heart. Soil that's dry, don't take in seeds. You know? The bible makes mention of hardening of hearts a lot... and a hardened heart does not accept, or see God's Works and hear God's Words... you know? I prayed weeks before, that I want my heart to remain soft always! Soft! I don't want it to be harded just like how so many adults have become... really... and it's my time to become an adult soOOOOn, so very soon... i ask God to keep it soft... He tells me to plough it. :)
you know one of the reasons why many people have hardened hearts? Because they go with the weather... wind and rain errodes the soil, the good soil, the sun causes it's moisture to leave... soil becomes parched, hardened and cracked... You know? allowing youself to become used to the weathers of life, causes your heart to be hardened.. Just like hardships, pain... bitterness... very common causes of a Hardened hard. Signs and Symptoms? Numbness. Medication? It's hard to treat, but water it daily... no matter how hard it is, water heals. That's why they say always plant a tree by the riverside... the soil there is always soft.
and Yesh. Ploughing your heart means not letting yourself get influenced with bad things... but constantly staying in the influence of Good shepherds and in the influece of God.
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